Friday, July 14, 2006

A Call To Arms...

Despite many pleas to desist, the bourgeois swine at Atrios, The Poorman Institute, and Sadly, No! have subjected their loyal commentariats to the most heinous of atrocities: an annoying video war. Not content to own the hearts and minds of their adoring readers, they pushed on in an attempt to destroy their very souls.

Share with the good people our thoughts on the hostilities, Herve:

You would think after leaving the blogosphere in smoldering ruins they would have called it a day. But no, they couldn’t let it go. The vile blogofascists just kept pushing and pushing and pushing. I think the Zuiikin English gals can express our feelings on this the best:

As a result, small but resilient factions have begun rising from the ashes, like that bird thing from that one Harry Potter movie. Content at first to leave IED-like comments in the offenders’ blogs, we have moved on to defending ourselves on our own blogs by any means necessary. By employing suicidal Englishmen, Kid Super Power, maniacally yodeling Dutchmen, incomprehensible Germans and even a rappin’ Franciscan priest, we gained the strength necessary to join forces to protect ourselves.

And so, the Axis of the Really Annoying was born. We have summoned up mighty weapons, beginning with the launch of a toxic space baby and venomous fish spit.

The vampires are on our side. As are the aliens, LaToya Jackson, Kojak, magicians, an entire asylum and, well… whatever this is. You will regret the bad blood that you have caused. Despite your best efforts, we have the kittens behind us as well. And if that isn’t enough for you, we also have snakes on a motherfuckin’ plane.

Surrender is your only viable option.

You may think you’re skilled at this video war, but you have other obligations, like pondering wingnuts’ fascination with their own genitalia, lulling the populace to sleep with cute kitten porn, and posting open threads. We, on the other hand, have nothing else to do. And just when you think we’ve run out of weapons, some bored Midwestern housewife or lonely teenager will supply us with more. Give in while you have the chance.

For those of you worn down by this horrible aggression, join us. You too can contribute to our righteous cause.

As for you high-traffic bullies, we hope you rot in the hell you’ve created for the rest of us.

In summation, a quick demonstration of our virtual skills:

We eagerly await the opportunity to discuss the terms of your surrender.


Blogger Marked Hoosier said...

Damn Right.

1:45 PM  

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