Friday, July 14, 2006

Another throws down the gauntlet...

Some complete amateur called Andrew Sullivan thinks he can enter the fray with this little misfire.

Mr. Sullivan, step away from the YouTube before you hurt yourself. You have no idea what you're up against.

This is going to hurt us a lot more than it hurts you, but:

I'm sure it stings a little, but it could have been much worse. Really. You don't want to escalate this. You should just leave the YouTube to the professionals, and stick to doing... whatever it is you do.

UPDATE: Roxanne throws the always deadly Olsen Twins at the unwitting Sullivan.

UPDATE II: Sadly, No! unleashes this terrifying volley. We reluctantly accept S, N! as a temporary ally in our quest to neutralize the greater evil.

UPDATE III: Pandagon bravely rushes forth with a convincing case for why MBAs should never be left unsupervised, and Land Without Bread busts out a boy band. Surely Sullivan will not survive this onslaught!


Blogger Mark said...

Ya know, that dance spoke to me...


2:22 PM  
Blogger OutOfContext said...


Like synchronised swimming without the water.

6:08 PM  

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