Sunday, September 03, 2006


We here at the Axis do have a heart, and we want to throw our support behind Lee Seigel. We applaud the work done by Sadly, No! and The Poor Man Institute, and hope our SeigelStock helps Lee in this, his time of need.

We have so far lined up two superstars to headline Stage One of SeigelStock... first Mr. Dirty Dancing himself!

Next onstage, is the one... the only Mr. Miami Vice!

Stay tuned for the headliners of our other stages here at SeigelStock!

Friday, September 01, 2006

A response to unprovoked aggression...

Amanda at Pandagon thinks she can frighten our women and children with this atrocity. Well, Amanda, we are not afraid. We are on the side of the angels. And we are perfectly capable of defending ourselves.

Because you know what's worse than crazy Europeans acting like crazy Europeans? Crazy Europeans acting like Americans:

Mark's compatriots over at Loaded Mouth joined the fray to launch this little missile. We wish them well in their struggle for freedom.

We hope this serves as adequate warning. Don't make us break out the big guns.